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4 Ways to Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

November 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagopedoortho @ 6:22 pm
a child blowing their nose because they have a cold

As a parent, you’re likely concerned about your child catching the cold or flu around this time of year from one of their classmates and bringing it home. While this is a valid concern, did you know that cold and flu season can also increase their risk of developing common oral health problems like cavities, too? With preventive measures in place, you can make sure that priceless grin that you love to see every day stays healthy and happy. Read on for four ways to keep your child’s oral health on the right track during cold and flu season.

Maintain Their Routine During the Holiday Breaks

Cold and flu season is here, and it really ramps up during the holidays, between October and January. During your child’s breaks from school, they’ll be tempted to fall out of routines since they’ll be staying up and waking up later than usual. It’s important to make sure they don’t let their oral hygiene routine slack, though, because it could lead to developing oral health problems. Be sure to remind them to brush when they wake up and before they go to bed and floss at least once a day to maintain healthy teeth and gums! If they have trouble staying on top of their oral hygiene routine, you can always tempt them with some cool, new products like bubblegum flavored toothpaste or minty dental floss.

Replace Their Toothbrush

Did you know that bacteria can collect on toothbrushes? If they’re used while your little one is sick and then again later, it could reinfect them with whatever illness they had before by transferring the virus or bacteria back to their mouth. To keep this from happening, be sure to replace their toothbrush after each time they get sick, or every three months.

Encourage Them to Stay Hydrated

Water helps wash away food and other debris deposited in the crevices of teeth that bacteria love to feed off of. Throughout cold and flu season, especially if your little one is prone to dry mouth, try to encourage them to drink water regularly. You can do so by adding sugar-free flavoring to their water bottle or even hot tea to keep them warm!

Curb Their Sweet Tooth with Other Enjoyable Foods

The holidays are right in the midst of cold and flu season, which can be a blessing (because they won’t have to miss school if they get sick) and a curse (because it’s amidst the holiday festivities). Bacteria known to result in decay and tooth infections love to feed on sugars and carbohydrates. So, if your child has a sweet tooth for delicious holiday cookies and pies, try to curb it with other enjoyable foods and snacks that won’t feed bacteria in their mouth, like fresh fruits. While it’s completely fine for them to indulge their sugary dreams during the holiday season, it’s a good idea to be mindful of how much they’re consuming.

While the priority during cold and flu season is your child’s wellbeing, many parents aren’t aware of how their favorite smile can be impacted as well as their physical health. With these four tips, you can keep their pearly whites healthy until their next checkup and cleaning with their pediatric dentist!

About the Practice

At Chicago Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, our team is comprised of six specialists who solely focus on caring for growing smiles. That way, parents can have peace of mind that their little one is receiving the expert care they deserve. We offer a wide array of kid-friendly services, including checkups and cleanings, frenectomies, and emergency dentistry. For questions or to schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 312-766-0995.