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3 Reasons Laser Frenectomies Are Becoming Common

January 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagopedoortho @ 9:03 pm
group of moms and babies talking about tongue ties and frenectomies

In your group of mom friends, you talk about your nursing woes and find validation and support. You’re not alone! From other moms who have experienced issues, you learn that the cause of the problem could be a lip or tongue tie in the baby’s mouth, which requires a procedure called a laser frenectomy. Maybe a few have even had it done!

 Although this procedure can sound a little intimidating at first, it can quickly and painlessly take care of the tight, short, or thick tissue that restricts tongue movement, and it can enable your baby to nurse properly. Frenectomies seem to be on the rise in recent years, but there are plenty of good reasons for this. Read on to find out what those reasons are!

More Parents Are Breastfeeding.

In the middle of the twentieth century, it became much more common to feed babies through a bottle with formula or pumped milk. In fact, some doctors recommended it as the best alternative for nutrition. As a result, more parents started to use bottles, which are much easier for infants to extract liquid from. Instead of creating a seal around the nipple and sucking milk, babies can simply compress the bottle nipple. Nowadays, breastfeeding is again considered the most beneficial option for babies and mothers nutritionally, physically, and mentally.

With more parents choosing to breastfeed their infants, more are experiencing issues from latching to sore nipples and lack of sufficient milk production. While there could be other reasons behind these problems, tongue ties are often to blame and become more obvious with nursing.

More Nursing Parents Have Access to Support.

In addition to more encouragement from medical professionals, nursing parents are able to seek more support than they used to. Lactation consultants as well as breastfeeding support groups are available to help those who struggle and need advice for being successful. Sometimes this leads to recommendations or referrals to see a pediatric dentist about potential lip or tongue tie issues. In other words, instead of thinking you are the only one experiencing these problems, you can get help!

Tongue Ties Can Cause Other Problems.

Although breastfeeding trouble is one of the most common complaints for babies with tongue ties, this little bit of there are other reasons for resolving a tongue tie with a frenectomy. When your baby starts to eat solid foods, their tongue is supposed to help with swallowing and moving food around in the mouth. A tied tongue can cause them to gag instead of properly swallow. Also, a restricted tongue may not be able to make certain sounds, making communication difficult later for your toddler.

Instead of trying to figure out what could be the cause of your nursing problems, take advantage of the support you have and talk to a pediatric dentist to see if they can help your child’s mouth function as it should. A simple frenectomy may be what’s standing in the way of you and your baby having an easier, better nursing experience.

About the Practice

Chicago Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, there are three board-certified pediatric dentists on staff. We proudly offer treatment for babies and children who have tongue ties and treat this issue with a laser, which gently loosens the tight, thick, or short tissue that is restricting movement. If you would like to learn more about frenectomy treatment, you can request an appointment here or by contacting our office at this phone number: 312-766-0995.